Thursday, July 1, 2010

"If I..."

Race's Answers to "If I..."
If I was a season, I’d be winter.
If I was a piece of furniture, I'd be a lazy boy.
If I was a country, I'd be Switzerland.
If I was a food, I'd be a hamburger.

If I was a flower, I'd be under a rock.
If I was a song, I'd be a one hit wonder.
If I was an instrument, I'd be a piano.
If I was a color, I'd be green.
If I was a letter, I'd be an A or a W.
If I was a book, I'd be anything nonfiction by C.S. Lewis.
If I was a time of day, I'd be 9 in the afternoon.
If I was a drink, I'd be Cherry Dr. Pepper.

If I was a holiday, I'd be Thanksgiving or St. Patrick's Day.

If I was a store, I'd be Best Buy.

If I was a word, I'd be "Whatever".
If I was a person, I’d be Elliot Stabler (from Law and Order: SVU).
If I could know the future, I'd want to see His face.

Emma's Answers to "If I..."
If I was a season,I'd be Spring.
If I was a piece of furniture, I'd be Rachel's couch.
If I was a country, I'd be the U.S.
If I was a food, I'd be potatoes.

If I was a flower, I'd be all kinds of wild flowers.
If I was a song, I'd be "Swan Lake."
If I was an instrument, I'd be a piano.
If I was a color, I'd be red.
If I was a letter, I'd be an A... for Ashby.
If I was a book, I'd be "Hannah's Gift"- Maria Housden.
If I was a time of day, I'd be nighttime.
If I was a drink, I'd be water.

If I was a holiday, I'd be Christmas.

If I was a store, I'd be Target!

If I was a word, I'd be "smile."
If I was a person, I’d be Race's Wife.
If I could know the future, I'd want to see Race and I chattin' it up when we're old fogies.
Race and I just filled this out for fun after seeing it on Kylie Pond's blog. It was fun guessing some of each others' answers and also learning new things about each other. :] Pass it on!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your support of HANNAH'S GIFT.

    Maria Housden (author of the book & Hannah's mom) <3
