Monday, April 29, 2013

Bath Time

I have TONS of pictures I didn't use from my "A Day in the Life" post so I'm going to have a bunch of little posts with some of those pictures! To start out, here are some super cute, fun pictures of Holland's bath time. She loves baths now that she can sit up and play with her toys. Before she could sit up Holland pretty much exclusively showered with me. She was SO relaxed in the shower and so upset when we tried to bathe her so I just went with what worked! I loved just seeing how relaxed and happy she was in the shower but I have to say, having the shower to myself again is SO nice! Anyway, on to the adorable pictures!
Pre-bath Play time with Dad

Bath Time!!

Post-bath with Mom

Get this towel off me stat!! 

Post-bath snuggles from Dad

We love bath time around here. Who wouldn't love adorable naked baby bums, happy squeals, and that wonderful post bath baby smell?!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Day in the Life

On April 23rd I decided to pull out our fancy camera and take pictures of everything we did throughout the day. We don't lead a super exciting life but it was fun to see what we do all day. Although I didn't get every feeding, diaper change, nap, etc. on camera so it's not perfect but it does capture the essence of what we do. Mostly I hang out with Holland while she explores our house and makes messes. And then I clean up her messes, try to make healthy, yummy food, and try to get stuff done while she naps. Or I don't bother trying to get anything done and just nap when she naps.

Anyway, I took about a million pictures throughout the day so I've been attempting to narrow it down but I've been pretty unsuccessful so this post is a bit picture heavy. But hey, less reading and more pictures of my darling baby girl, that's not really a loss for anyone! 

7:30am Wake up, make bed

7:45am Holland is awake {and mad--she does not wake up happy, she's not a morning person} 

 7:45am Holland lunges for her breakfast every morning when I get her out of bed. It cracks me up!

8:00am Breakfast time for Holland.

8:15am My breakfast time/Holland's Kitchen Playtime

9:00am Play/Explore Time, Get H Dressed 

9:30am Naptime for H, Work, Work out, Shower, etc. time for me.

{This first picture is from my phone because I was not
 going to risk waking her up by using the loud camera}

11:00am Lunch {Leftovers}

 11:00am Race is home from his birthday massage and heading to work. Holland is up from her nap.

 11:30am-2:00pm More exploring and playing for H, Dishes for me

2:00pm Second nap for H, Nap for me as well. 3:30pm H wakes up. 

 4:00pm Walk time! 

4:30 Explore the park

5:30 Dinner Prep {Chicken fajitas} and a grumpy babe hanging on my legs.

6:30 Trip to the grocery store. {No pictures}
7:30 Dinner time! 

7:30-9:30 Play with Mom and Dad, bath time, & lots of eating {not pictured} for H. 

You guys, my day-to-day life is not all that exciting but I absolutely love it. I love Race and Holland and I am so grateful for all that Race does so that I can stay at home with my sweet babe. Being a mom is so much harder than I ever could have imagined but it is also so much more rewarding than I could have known. 

I hope you all have a Happy Thursday!