Thursday, November 4, 2010

Good Health

I have been debating in my head all day whether or not it was appropriate for me to be grateful for good health since I have been sick the last few days. But I finally decided it is definitely something I am grateful for right now. It makes a HUGE difference in my everyday life and although I don't recognize that when I am healthy I sure am realizing it now! So for today, I am grateful for that and I can't wait until I am healthy again! But, Race has been taking good care of me and making sure that I am getting lots of rest, any medicine I need and he's learning that sometimes all I need is to be held...or tickled....or for him just to be around. So really what he's learning is that I can be pretty demanding. ;) ESPECIALLY when I am sick. He's getting a lot of practice though and I'm sure he'll have it down in no time!
Also I am grateful for delicious healthy foods like the ones pictured above...I should eat more of those. :]

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