Friday, November 5, 2010


Today I am grateful for random family traditions. In particular with food. I came home today and was really hungry but Race and I have not yet gone grocery shopping since we've moved. So we had very little food to eat. Then I saw some apples. And I looove apples. But they aren't so very filling. The next thing I saw was popcorn. Popcorn and apples have always been an Olmstead family quick "meal" when we either don't have the time to make anything else or we are just a little lazy for the night. But, it is one of my favorite quick snacks. The quick snack that Race's family has that I am grateful for is peaches and toast. We had it a few weeks ago for the first time and it has quickly become one of my favorite go to easy snacks or lazy meals. I am very grateful for yummy, super random family traditions.
I couldn't find a picture of popcorn and apples so it must be a little bit more out there than peaches and toast...but they are equally delicious!

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