Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School

August 29th, 2011 is the first day of my last day of school {until I decide I'm bored and want to learn again}!

Here's how my day has gone so far:

Wake up early{ish} to make Race breakfast and to pick out his outfit. :]
Give him a kiss and send him on his way to his first class {Spanish, all the way across campus}
Hang out around the house. Think about wearing a cute outfit. Get lazy and wear my husband's shirt. {I really was going to try and wear a cute outfit for the first day of school but let's be honest...that NEVER happens during the school year.}
Head off to my two classes.
Show up late to both of them because of our new bus route {it's pretty dumb}.
Be really bored going over first day of class syllabus lectures.
Head to the institute for some free food, to sign up for a class, and to find out that technically I should have graduated from the institute last year.
Play the piano at the institute for a while.
Chat with the two{ish} people I know in my classes.
Head home.
Catch up on reading blogs and on blogging some.
And now I'm headed out the door to spend a FORTUNE on all the books and school supplies that we need. BLEH! Wish me luck! {And I'll probably update the blog again later since my day isn't quite over. :]}

Oh, also my phone has decided that it can't connect to the internet, get on my blogging app, edit pictures for me, update any of my apps, etc. So I don't know if I will be able to post pictures for a while. I guess we will see! When I do figure it out though I will post our cheesy first-day-of-school photos. {Mine are in the mirror taken by myself because Race was already gone for class and Race's are taken by me while he ate his breakfast. Haha.}


  1. Aw, your post kinda made me miss school.

    OK, now I'm over it :P
    But for real, it reminded me of how my days went.

    ...and it really IS ridiculous how they make you buy a book for $175 and only buy it back form you for $26, argh!

    Good luck ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Books and school supplies cost so much. Bleh. Not nice.

    Also, you are a WAY good wife for waking up early to cook your husband breakfast! My man leaves for work before I even need to wake up (I usually get up around 8:30 or 9, I don't work till 3) and he has to shake me awake if he wants a kiss goodbye! I only cook breakfast on weekends!

    Good luck with school! Any potentially interesting classes this year?

    <3 Daryl

  4. I can't believe how much they charge for books/supplies. Amazon was my lifesaver during college. Hope you have a great kickoff week:-) xoxo

  5. the "twoish" people you know? I wonder how that works? hehe.

    and seriously use it's cheaper than amazon and They sell international editions of books and they are the EXACT same only a different cover and usually soft cover instead of hard. I seriously got $200 books for $40 and that includes shipping!

  6. Ugh buying books is the worst. And I'm so jealous it's your last first day!

  7. Sounds like a decent first day of school? Ha. I miss school. Enjoy it! Where are you at again? Maybe I'm dumb because I feel like I should already know this! And books, eh, hated losing money on that! Check out!

    -Photography Giveaway on my blog!
